Safety Policies and Procedures

Safety policies, procedures and inspections make the workplace safer. It is a set of documents that describes procedures in a repair shop according to safety laws and regulations. A policy is a guiding principle that determines the direction of service, and a procedure is a list of steps required to produce the same result each time a task or activity is performed. For example, a policy is that technicians must wear protective clothing at all times while in the shop, and a procedure is a document that describes the steps for using a hoist safely.

Every repair shop should have its own set of policies and procedures. They are written to ensure that repair shop work complies with laws, statutes and regulations and to reduce the risk of property damage, accidents and injuries. Policies and procedures need to be regularly reviewed and updated if anything changes.

Car repair shop safety inspections are a useful way to identify unsafe equipment, materials or activities to reduce the risk of accidents or injuries. Periodic and permanent safety inspections should be carried out regularly. Detected or observed security problems are fixed immediately. Safety issues are never ignored or postponed.

Some common things to look out for:
– Items that block emergency exits
– Bad, damaged or missing safety markings
– Unsafe storage of flammable goods
– Improper storage of hazardous waste
– Hazards from tripping or slipping
– A mess in the repair shop
– Defective and unsafe equipment and tools
– Failure to comply with work procedures
– Defective and expired fire extinguishers
– Blocked access to safety electrical cabinets
– Damaged personal protective equipment
– Persons who do not wear appropriate protective equipment

It is the responsibility of everyone in the shop to know and follow the rules.

See also

Video recommendation