Electrical installations

Electrical installations on vehicles provide a safe and secure power supply to electrical and electronic devices and data transmission between control units and peripheral components of the control system.

To work on electrical installations, a service technician needs to understand the terminology, the behavior of electricity, and the theory of electrical components and networks. Also, the service technician should be able to read electrical diagrams, measure electrical quantities, calculate electrical values, and maintain and repair elements of electrical installations.

Electrical installations include conductors, connections, fuses, switches, relays, and other components for distributing electricity to consumers. Communication networks (LAN, CAN…) are for data transmission.

For maintenance, testing, and repair of elements of electrical installations, it is necessary to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and procedures using appropriate tools and equipment.

Relays – testing

Testing the relay is done in two stages: checking the relay socket on the plate and testing the relay on the workbench. Read more

See also

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