Hearing Protection

Hearing protection is required when working around machinery or using equipment that generates noise above 85 decibels. It is the noise level when you raise your voice so that the person next to you can hear you. Exposure to harmful noise can lead to hearing damage. Hearing loss due to excessive noise occurs gradually and imperceptibly. Therefore, it is necessary to use protective equipment in a working environment with harmful noise to ensure hearing protection.

There are two types of hearing protection. One type is safety earmuffs that cover the entire ear, and the other is earplugs that fit into the ear canal.

Safety earmuffs are similar to headphones, where there is noise-dampening material inside the hard shells. There are also special earmuffs for mounting on protective caps, with electronic noise level control or with a radio connection.

Earplugs can be disposable or reusable, made of different materials and shapes. There are universal or individual ones that are made to measure according to the impression of the ear canal. The earplugs are made of otoplasty filters so that the user is not isolated from his environment when wearing the protection, but can hear speech and warning signals.

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