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The engine is the driving element of the vehicle and requires regular maintenance and servicing. A prerequisite for proper operation of the engine is proper care and compliance with the procedure of repair, replacement of parts, and adjustments. In case of failure, repair of motor performs qualified person respecting the manufacturer’s recommendations.


This section describes the procedures for testing the correctness, repair and machining of the engine.

Engine mechanics

A proper engine has a smooth, rhythmic and quiet operation. Any malfunction affects the stability of work. Different engine testing methods are used to determine the fault. By following the test procedure, the service technician can locate the fault. Read more

Cylinder head

The cylinder head as a distribution and connection mechanism affects the stable and correct operation of the motor. Any malfunction requires removal, testing, repair, and assembly. The success of the repair depends on compliance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, work procedures, use of appropriate tools, and expertise of the service technician. Read more

Engine block

When a malfunction is suspected or determined on the engine block and its associated elements, it is necessary to dismantle the engine. Disassembly, testing, replacement of parts and assembly of the engine block can only be successful if the correct operating procedures are known. Read more

Engine assembly

After repairing and replacing defective parts, the engine is assembled following the instructions and procedures with the use of appropriate tools and measuring equipment. Expertise, thoroughness and respect for the procedure are necessary for the proper operation of the assembled engine. Read more

See also

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