Battery conductance test
A battery conductance test is a process of checking the capacity and accurately determining its current state. Conductivity testers measure battery capacity.
Before testing, check whether the battery is suitable according to the specification for the given vehicle. Look for information in the manual about the required characteristics of the battery for the given vehicle. Using a battery with too low a capacity will overload the battery itself and the starting system. Using a battery with a larger capacity is heavier and puts more strain on the carrier. Also, it puts more stress on the charging system. Therefore, always check whether the correct battery is used for the given vehicle.
After verifying the battery, proceed to test. Electronic testers have replaced the need for a hydrometer and other invasive types of battery testing. Many manufacturers now require the use of a conductivity test instead of a load test to be considered for warranty coverage. Almost all conductivity testers have an integrated printer, and test printouts can follow the warranty